Welcome to your August CREW News!
In this month’s CREW News, you’ll find:
- August 2nd: Earth Overshoot Day
- CREW Energizer 8/3 @ 11am & 8pm EDT
- CREW Host Training Workshop
- Upcoming CREWs + Call for hosts
- Introducing: Company CREW
Earth Overshoot Day: August 2
This year’s Earth Overshoot Day falls on August 2nd, and while the trend is flattening, we still have lots of work to do to reverse it.
Here’s the good news: According to Global Footprint Network, “Simple changes could #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day significantly: Increasing global low-carbon electricity sources from 39% to 75% would move it by 26 days, halving food waste would gain 13 days, and tree intercropping would earn an extra 2.1 days.”
Yes, we need large, sweeping policies and industry-level change in order to reverse global warming. But we also need consumers and constituents to engage in climate action and show governments and companies that regeneration is our future.
Every action matter, everyone’s footprint matters, and you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on our planet and the life on it.
CREW members see their 5-year projected Overshoot Day move an average of 60 days. Imagine if everyone moved their Overshoot Day 60 days? That would push Earth’s Overshoot Day all the way back to October.
Take the leap. Sign up for a CREW today or start your own by accessing our free CREW User Guide below.
CREW Energizer
Hey CREW Grads! We’ve got another monthly Energizer coming up in just a few days and we’d love for you to join us and reconnect over climate action!
Held on the first Thursday of each month, these sessions are a chance for you to highlight some of your PCAP accomplishments and blocks, share your sustainability tips and tricks, and get reenergized into action. We encourage you to consider which PCAP goals you’ll be working on in the next month so you can get focused on your plan of action.
Date: Thursday, August 3
Time: 11:00 am OR 8:00 pm EDT
*We are offering two times to accommodate people’s schedules and time zones. Both times will offer the same event, so register for whichever time works best for you!*
Mark your calendar for the first Thursday of each month! The next Energizer will be on Thursday, September 7. Let’s get energized into climate action!
Upcoming CREW Sessions
We’ve got a few CREWs coming up that will be running through late summer into fall. Perhaps it’s finally time for you to say “Yes!” and begin creating and executing your Personal Climate Action Plan. Don’t forget:
“You can’t do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good you can do.”
– @shelbizleee
Sign up for one of the CREWs below!
- Tuesday, August 29 @ 1:00 pm EDT, virtual CREW
- Wednesday, September 6 @ 4:30 pm EDT, virtual CREW
- Monday, September 18 @ 7:00 pm EDT, virtual CREW
Interested in hosting?
We get it, the idea of hosting your own CREW may be a little nerve-wracking at first (I’ve been there, trust me). But after taking that initial leap, hosting a CREW is an easy, laid back, and truly enjoyable experience.
It’s so refreshing to discuss issues (and solutions!) we care about deeply together, and it’s rewarding to be the person that facilitates this experience. We’re looking for future CREW hosts that could help us guide upcoming sessions. If you’re interested in taking the leap, we encourage you to fill out the form below.
Host Training Workshop
Of course, we’re not going to leave you high and dry to figure it out on your own!
These host training workshops are available to help you feel fully equipped and confident before you enter your first hosting experience.
In our Host Training Workshops, we dive into everything you need to know about hosting a CREW. Plan your CREW, outline your invitations, and gain the confidence to build your community and start replicating by attending this workshop.
These regularly scheduled workshops will occur on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. The first session of the month (August 8) will concentrate on inviting your CREWmates to join, while the second (August 22) will discuss the process of hosting a CREW. Sign up for one or both of these sessions!
Our first workshop (with the focus of invitations to CREW) will be on Tuesday, August 8 @ 7:00 pm EDT. See you there!
Introducing: Company CREW
For years, CREW has been focused on engaging driven individuals looking to reduce their footprint on their own time. (And don’t worry — WE STILL ARE!)
While we will continue to facilitate, promote, and host these CREWs (see above for dates to get involved), we’re introducing something new as we speak that will help us reach more people, create more Personal Climate Action Plans, and have a greater impact on our beautiful planet.
Introducing: Carbon CREW’s Impact Accelerator Program
That’s right: think “Carbon CREW” meets “The Office.”
Well, not quite. But essentially, we will be running CREWs with sustainably minded companies, increasing employee engagement, collective action efforts, and driving climate action.
So, if you are or know someone who works for a company that checks even one of the following boxes:
- Is trying to implement sustainable practices.
- Is looking to increase worker engagement.
- Wants to create a more communal and team-building office environment.
- Is a B-corporation or taking efforts to become one.
Reach out to us! We’d love to connect and talk about the ways CREW’s Impact Accelerator Program could benefit your company or organization.
Thanks for reading CREW News!
Questions? Comments? Feel free to reach out to us with what’s on your mind by emailing info@carboncrewproject.org, or by replying to this newsletter.